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Home Performance is a comprehensive “whole-house” approach to upgrading home energy efficiency and interior comfort. Home Performance contractors are trained to provide a full range of energy-related home improvements, including insulation, furnace and air conditioner upgrades, and energy-efficient lighting and appliances. Identifying and repairing the root causes of energy waste, cold drafts and musty-smelling air will help you lower your monthly utility bills while increasing the comfort, health, and long-term value of your home.
Home Performance Washington service providers are trained and certified in building science and pledge to recommend a cost-effective whole-house package of improvements that meets your needs.
Get Started Today! To find an energy auditor or contractor in your area, visit our Service Providers page.
Upcoming Meetings
Our meetings are usually the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 – 7:30pm at a convenient branch of the Seattle Public Library. To receive agendas, join our email list or watch the news section of this site.
General Meetings:
- Cancelled: January, 17th – 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Seattle Public Library -Douglass-Truth Branch
2300 E. Yesler Way
February 21st – 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Seattle Public Library – Capitol Hill Branch
425 Harvard Ave. E.
March 20th- 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Seattle Public Library – Capitol Hill Branch
425 Harvard Ave. E.
Other Events:
- Board Meetings: 4th Tuesday of each month, 3- 5pm at the Eastlake Bar and Grill in Seattle.
- Email to request agenda.
For information, email [email protected]
Be sure to check out our calendar for additional events and classes.
and sign up for HPW Email Announcements!
Thanks To Our Supporting Members!

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